On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 29 - At Sea

Rough night. Lot of movement, lot of noise. Somewhere around midnight there was a terrific bang that had both of us instantly sitting up. Barb was ready to head to our muster station, but a quick look outside found the ship was motoring along just fine through significant whitecaps. Of course incidents such as this serve to magnify in the mind further sounds and movement.

We were up early to get the laundry started and then off for a pastry and coffee. By 7:30 everything was folded, put away and ready to be packed tomorrow. Last night we received our Express Walk Off ticket. I had turned in our disembarkation request form as soon as it hit our mailbox and was rewarded by being placed in the first of forty-five groups to leave the ship. Also completed the Customs Declaration form, so I think we are ready to go.

By this morning's GPS reading we have 805 nautical miles to go.

Having finished the Clancy novel I'm now full time into Charles Dickens and "Great Expectations", which was a free download from iTunes. I don't know why it was free. Perhaps an attempt to bring a Dickens classic to a larger audience. Perhaps because no one would pay for it.

Lunch today was the British Style Pub Lunch. I was hoping for Bangers and Mash, but it was not to be and I joined Barb for the Fish and Chips. With each of our three Pub meals I've had a Guinness and with each I have wondered "What is the Guinness Widget" and "What is it doing in the can." Well, the answer on the first question is its a small, hollow plastic ball. The answer to the second question is a bit more complicated, but the short version is it involves nitrogen and producing an optimal head.

After getting up at 4:45 this morning it's no surprise we were ready for a two hour nap after lunch. Then, with only one day left, it was time to open the last bottle of Pinot Gris. We will finish it off tomorrow while packing.

After a big lunch we passed on dinner and spent the night reading and watching FOX News.

Aboard the Crown Princess

024° 43' North
123° 30' West

Posted by iPad Air 2

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