On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 12 - At Sea

Today we start four sea days till our stop in Apia, Western Samoa. But that doesn't mean sleeping in. Oh no, we were up at 5:45 to do laundry. Surely there would be machines available that early. Wrong. I guess that after four port days a few of the other 3,000 guests aboard had the same idea.

So it was off to breakfast at the Horizon Court. Finally got a couple of real fried eggs instead of what Barb is sure are powdered scrambled eggs. Hash browns, watermelon, a little cottage cheese, lox and some really bad coffee rounded out the meal. I don't recall what Barb had as I held the table while she picked out her breakfast. By the time I got back she was about done. That's the way it goes when you prefer sitting while eating. The dining rooms work better for seating, but it seems to take about an hour per meal. That probably doesn't matter though since we aren't in a rush these days.

Later we hit the International Cafe for a mocha and then wandered through some of the stores before visiting Future Cruise Center. The Future Cruise Center is where you sit down at a computer and plan how to spend thousands of dollars. Which is what we did, finally settling on the twenty day Caribbean cruise aboard the Royal Princess. No money down yet, but I'm pretty sure Barb isn't going to let this one get away.

Checking the laundry on the way back to our cabin we found available machines and by some stroke of luck they were still available when we got back with our laundry bag.

Once back in the cabin we were hanging out till lunch when the Captain came on the ship's PA system to announce a new guest was aboard. Yes, Norovirus had joined the passengers and crew of the good ship Crown Princess. So we got the information to wash hands regularly and call 911 if sick. Do not leave your cabin, the doc will come to you.

So with that good news we washed our hands and headed off to lunch in one of the dining rooms. No more Horizon Court for awhile. Potato soup, turkey sandwich and hazelnut ice cream for both.

Barb set us up with a 7:30 dinner at the Crown Grill, one of two speciality restaurants on the ship. Specially means cover charge and for me it was worth it. I gave it an A for the scallop appetizer, French onion soup and perfect filet. Barb didn't like her selection quite as much. The desserts were excellent as was the bottle of Oregon wine from Willamette Valley Vineyards.

Tomorrow will be another sea day.

Aboard the Crown Princess

009° 41' North
163° 37' West

Posted by iPad Air 2

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Sorry to hear about the norovirus. We tried not to touch handrails or elevator buttons, etc, with our fingers and washed hands a lot. Our cruise didn't have norovirus, but lots of flu which we were fortunate enough to avoid. In the Horizon grill, you might try one of the custom made omellettes. We were told on our kitchen tour that the eggs aren't powdered, but they are pre-mixed and frozen, so they definitely don't taste like home-made scrambled eggs, but the omellettes are good.