On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day 1 - Redmond, OR to Sacramento, CA

The plan was to be up at 6:00 and on the road by 7:00, but as usual we were a little ahead of schedule and hit the road at 5:28. We've been waiting over a year for this day, so to say we are anxious is a bit of an understatement.

First stop, of course, was Starbucks for an Americano and Mocha and then it was South on highway 97 headed for California and an overnight in Sacramento.

Rather than taking our own car and paying parking for 30 days, we're in a rental car from Enterprise. A 2016 Chrysler 200 with 1,445 miles. Very Cool. For the day we averaged 38.8 MPG. Thanks Tristina!

The drive South on Highway 97 isn't very exciting, except in the dark when a flashing sign just South of La Pine is warning about migrating deer crossing the highway. And crossing they were. I suppose many made it, but five didn't. Most of the deer had been hit multiple times, which makes dodging parts difficult, especially at night. Ok, enough of the graphic stuff.

I spent a half hour or so driving around Klamath Falls looking for the Fred Meyer store. Those of you who have been with us before know it's not unusual for me to do a little off route sightseeing now and then. Barb calls it being lost. Did manage to find a State Police office and a kind lady gave flawless directions. Barb made me promise not to go anywhere unless I knew where I was going. Figure that one out.

Stopped in Mt. Shasta City at the Black Bear Diner for lunch. We went with the old standby turkey sandwich, which was excellent.

The rest of the drive into Sacramento was uneventful. Lake Shasta was as low as I have ever seen it and down in the valley it was smokey from burning the rice paddies.

After checking into the Embassy Suites we took a walk through Old Town. Disappointing for several reasons. Too many candy and toy stores. Too many "I Love Sacramento" t-shits. Too many people handing out a free something. But my main issue was walking on cobblestones and old wood boardwalks in sandals. Just doesn't work for me and it hurts.

Back to the hotel for happy hour and then to Fat City for dinner. Barb opted for a chicken stir fry while I, being a meatloaf aficionado, dove into what is now my #2. Now back at the hotel I'm finishing up this post and will then work on tomorrow's drive. 

What lies ahead for us.


038° 35' North
121° 30' West

Posted by iPad Air 2

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