On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Day 15 - Around Walla Walla

Walla Walla

Up at 6:30 to another sunny day. Streets closed for Rodeo/Fair/Parade downtown blocked us from the restaurant Barb had planned for breakfast, so we headed back to the Maple Counter Cafe from yesterday. Very good breakfast. No potatoes today.

The plan for today was three of our favorite wineries and then walking the downtown. Central to the plan was no more wine purchases. We had a case in the car and that was plenty. So much for plans. We managed to get the wineries right, but somehow ended up with seven more bottles. We will work very hard to see that it is consumed responsibly.

Back downtown about 1:30 the barricades were gone and we got our steps in. Took us a couple of hours to work our way through a few shops and then it was time for late lunch/early dinner. The Big House Brew House proved itself capable by providing good beer and good food.

Dropping Jeff and Anita off at their RV, we unloaded their wine said our goodbyes after a fun three days. We won’t see each other again until they come down to Arizona for Spring Training next March.

Tomorrow we head to Redmond for four days with old friends from the neighborhood.

2444.4 miles so far

Friday, August 30, 2019

Day 14 - Walla Walla Wine Tour

Up at 7:00 and ready for a great wine tour. Downstairs for the motel breakfast we found egg white something and decided to strike out on our own. Maple Counter Cafe showed up on the radar and it turned out to be super. More potatoes than anyone could eat, but basted egg, sausage and toast were great.

At 10:45 we, along with Jeff and Anita, were picked up by Gabe from Imbibe Wine to begin our tour. First stop was Dunham Cellars, where we tasted six wines and added four bottles to the case. Up second was Basel Cellars, one of our very favorite, where we tasted six and added two more bottles. Tasting and lunch was at Amavi Cellars. Lunch was outstanding, with a various meats and cheeses, fruit, pickles, grapes, crackers and more. Two more bottles.

Lunch provided by the tour company
Click the photo

Gifford Harlingen was our fourth stop and after learning all about corks we added another bottle. Valdemare Estates was an unplanned stop, but that didn’t stop use from adding another bottle. Last of our visits was Waterbrook Winery where two bottles filled out the case. All in all, a great day of wine tasting. But what made the day special was our guide Gabe. An outstanding young man born and raised in Walla Walla, who filled us in on a little history during the drives between wineries. By the end of the day we had learned much of his life’s history, including the date he had that night, he was going to cook dinner, with a nurse he had never met in person. He made the day a lot of fun.

For dinner we split a pizza and called it a day.

Tomorrow we will hit a few more wineries and then explore downtown Walla Walla.

2375.7 miles so far

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Day 13 - Port Ludlow, Washington to Walla Walla, Washington

Up at 6:30 to finish packing and take most stuff to the car. After coffee and half an English muffin, we just kinda hung out with our hosts. Clearly, we didn’t want to leave. But all good things must come to an end, so off we went.

For those who know me, I do take a wrong turn now and then. Today it was within a couple of miles I suspected we were on the wrong road. A quick check of a real paper map proved me right. This time I try to blame the GPS, which opted for a ferry ride while I wanted the Tacoma Narrows bridge. I short time later I look a left that should have been a right. That one was on me.

Starbucks had to wait till Poulsbo, while Port Orchard provided a Wells Fargo bank and Safeway for band aids and Ace Bandage. Lunch was a split turkey sandwich at the Cottage Cafe and Fireside Lounge in Cle Elum. Excellent place to stop mid-day in Interstate 90. Cle Elum is Indian for Swift Water.

Rest of the drive was uneventful and we are now at our lodging for the next three days.

Tomorrow Jeff and Anita will join use for an escorted wine tour.

2349.7 miles so far

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Day 12 - Around Port Ludlow, Washington

Pretty good night’s sleep considering the injuries from yesterday. Up a little after 7:00 for coffee and later a breakfast of really good chocolate croissant. Sally’s is definitely on my list of great places to eat.

Later it was time to change bandages and everything looks good at this point. A little skin missing here and there, but I’ll survive to fight another day. Did a little bit of packing to get a head start on leaving tomorrow. Car is starting to look a little messy and will probably need some attention with we get to Redmond. Car wash and vacuum will do it.

Lunch for us is usually splitting a sandwich. No such thing here. Starters, commonly called and appetizer, was a small bowl of tuna casserole from yesterday’s lunch. That was followed by crab and shrimp enchilada, with jalapeño and sour cream. And of course, a glass of wine.

By the way this is the view off their deck. Hood Canal to the left and Admiralty Inlet to the right.

Click the photo

Easy afternoon on the deck. Wine and snacks with chat and view. Perfect last day with Steve and Sally.

Dinner was of course another great one with clam chowder and, surprisingly, wine. Going to be a real shame to leave.

Tomorrow we are on or way to Walla Walla, WA to meet up with Jeff and Anita for a little wine tasting.

1990.0 miles so far

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day 11 - Around Port Ludlow, Washington

Well, the day started out great. Good night’s sleep and up at 7:05. Sally worked her magic again and came up with an amazing breakfast of bagels, smoked salmon, cream cheese, capers, onion and right out of the garden tomatoes. Perfect start to the day.

Later in the morning Sally, Barb and I decided to take a short walk down the street out front. With a fresh coat of chip seal, it was one nice looking road. Nice looking until I took a full-frontal fall. Multiple cuts on both hands, forearms, knees and forehead left me dazed, but wanting a glass of wine. Two young girls jogging nearby helped Sally and Barb get me to me feet while managing to refill my lungs. Back at the house a next-door nurse assisted and later after a shower and multiple band aids I was back to normal. I will be hurting for a few days, but will press on with the journey.

A late lunch of tuna casserole, a personal favorite, and wine on the deck with Steve made everything right.

Later Steve and Sally’s future neighbors came for dinner, which was, of course, another of Sally’s great meals. Salmon, roasted potatoes and tiramisu all accompanied by a nice selection of wines.

All in all, except for my unplanned visit with the pavement, it was a great day. Always fun to get together with our friends and catchup on our lives.

Tomorrow another day in Port Ludlow.

1990.0 miles so far

Monday, August 26, 2019

Day 10 - Long Beach, Washington to Port Ludlow, Washington

Up early for a travel day and after saying goodbye to son and wife we left for a three day stay with friends in Port Ludlow. Stopped in Long Beach for a breakfast sandwich and then headed to Aberdeen for Starbucks and gas. Hour and a half is a long way to drive for our morning Starbucks fix, but it was the only game in town.

Three-and-a-half-hour drive today, so we were in no rush. Took mostly back roads, so there wasn’t much in the way of traffic and it was nice to drive among tall trees rather than cactus.

Arrived at Steve and Sally’s home a little after noon. Beautiful home they finished building when we were here last year. Great views out onto the Hood Canal and Admiralty Inlet. Submarines, cruise ships and eagles are all part of the view.

Although I’ve been eating Dungeness crab a good part of my life, I’ve never gone crabbing. That ended today. Steve took me out with two friends, one had the boat, to pull crab pots. I was told that since I hadn’t done this before, I would pull pots and clean crab. Did both. Pots sit on the bottom with some sort of bait. Pulling up a pot is just pulling on a line until the pot appears. Sometimes that can be a lot of line. Crabs have claws. Pretty powerful claws, which means one must be very careful when handling them. After cleaning it was into a pot of boiling water for 8 minutes and later into one of Sally's shrimp and crab cocktails.

Click the photo

Dessert was the World’s Best brownie. Dark fudge, triple chocolate with a hint of espresso. Add ice cream and it’s a perfect way to end a meal and the day.

Tomorrow will be another day in Port Ludlow.

1990.0 miles so far

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Day 9 - Around Long Beach, Washington and Astoria, Oregon

Up again about 7:30 to another beautiful Washington coast day. Breakfast today was another of Anita’s specials. This time it was smoked salmon scrambled eggs, with the same pepper jelly and blueberry goat cheese from last night. One great breakfast to start the day.

Around 10:30 we all headed into Astoria for a trip to the Astoria Maritime Museum. Third visit, but still a great two hours of maritime history around Astoria and the Columbia River. After the museum we took a tour inside the lightship Columbia. Pretty interesting the living conditions from decades ago.

Lunch today was at the Buoy Beer Company, right on the Columbia River. Barb had fish and chips, while the three of us had the oyster basket. Eight plump Yaquina Bay oysters fried to perfection. This trip has been perfect for me in the oyster department. Two meals on the half shell, three meals of fried and on breakfast of oysters and scrambled eggs.

Tomorrow we head out for a visit with friends Steve and Sally in Port Ludlow, WA.

1805.4 miles so far

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Day 8 - Around Long Beach, Washington

Slept in again and enjoyed every minute of it. Breakfast at the house, with Anita fixing fried eggs, fried tomatoes and toast. Right off the vine tomatoes she brought with her from Nebraska.

Spent the rest of the morning at the Ilwaco Saturday market. Lots of good stuff, but I’m still thinking about that watercolor from yesterday. Lunch was at The Cove, which is in with the Peninsula Golf Course. Clam chowder could have been a little thicker, but still was really good.

Weather at the coast is in the 60’s, which is so much better that the 100’s plus we have been having in Arizona. Hopefully the temps will be down a little by the time we get home.

Dinner tonight was some of Anita’s famous fried oysters, with chili jelly and blueberry goat cheese. I know sounds really weird, but they were delicious. It’s her take on an oyster dish served at the Buoy in Astoria, only Anita’s are much better.

Click the photo

After dinner Jeff build a great fire outside for the perfect end of the day at the coast.

Tomorrow another day at the coast before heading North.

1755.6 miles so far

Friday, August 23, 2019

Day 7 - Around Long Beach, Washington

Slept into 7:32. Felt good not to have a travel day. Coffee and conversation with son Jeff and then off to breakfast about 9:30.

Jeff recommended 42nd Street Cafe and he couldn’t have picked a better start to the day. Barb had a waffle while I had a Hangtown Fry. For those unfamiliar with a Hangtown Fry, it’s an omelet the main ingredients of which are eggs, oysters and bacon. History has it originating in Placerville, CA., back in the gold rush days when the town was known as Hangtown. Probably didn’t pay to be on the wrong side of the law.

After breakfast we took a drive up to Oysterville, home of the famous, and my favorite, Willipa Bay Oysters. On the half shell, fried or in an omelet they are the best.

A short break back at the house for adult beverage and then off to see watercolors by very well-known artist Eric Wiegardt. Excellent watercolors of boats have me thinking about the budget.

Once again back to the house of more conversation and maybe an adult beverage. Ok, there was an adult beverage involved, but we were are drinking responsibly as many ads tell us to do. BBQ steaks, baked potato and fresh Nebraska corn made for a great dinner.

Tomorrow will be another day in and around Long Beach and will hopefully include oysters in some way, shape or form.

1,737.8 miles so far

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Day 6 - Florence, Oregon to Long Beach, Washington

Up again at 6:00 and on the road by 6:55. Rather than have breakfast in Florence we opted for a bakery and coffee shop in Yachats. Sorry, doesn’t exist. Well, how about something in Waldport? Nope, nothing there either. Finally, the Fred Meyer in Newport provided us with a Starbucks’s and pastry.

My plan to get out early ahead of traffic worked for the first few hours. Then it was back to the usual two-lane coast congestion. A quick rest at Fred’s in Tillamook (home of Tillamook Cheese) put a few previously passed vehicles back in the lead and again subject to pursuit.

Our goal for a great lunch was achieved when we reach McMenamins in Gearhart. We split a Dungeon Burger and I had a pint of my very favorite Terminator Stout. Once fueled we set out for yet another Fred Meyer, this one in Astoria. By some miracle both items on out shopping list were available and we walked out with two bottles of Wente Morning Fog Chardonnay and two bottles of an extra special Portland Ketchup.

The last part of our journey went quickly. Son Jeff was waiting with a Terminator Stout, thereby assuring favorable status. Dinner was pizza at the Pickled Fish. It’s nice to be back at the coast.

Tomorrow we begin three days in Long Beach. Should be fun.

1666.4 miles so far

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Day 5 - Around Florence, Oregon

Both of us were pretty tired, so nether felt guilty about sleeping in till 7:20. Since this was a no travel day, we decided to have a good sit-down breakfast and the Brown Hen served it up.

Next up was a walk around Old Town Florence. Kitchen Klutter, a regular shopping stop, offered nothing for Chef Barb, while River Roasters filled in for Starbucks with a very good mocha. Rain finally drove us back to the car for an hour or so and then it was back to Old Town.

Lunch time found us wanting to save room for a special dinner, so we split a hot dog, bag of chips and a beer. Not exactly the fish we were looking for. After lunch we checked out some of the fishing boats.

Click the photo

Quick trips to Bi-Mart and Fred Mayer and then back to our room for a couple of hours.

Five o'clock found us at the Bridgewater, our favorite place in Florence, for dinner. Barb had Cioppino while I had a half dozen oysters on the half shell and Clam Linguine. Both meals were excellent. Now back at the motel trying to remember today.

Tomorrow we are off to Long Beach, WA for a four-day visit with son Jeff.

1442.0 Miles so far

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Day 4 - Eureka, California to Florence, Oregon

Eureka, CA to Florence, OR Up at 6:00 for yet another decent motel breakfast. Is this a trend or am I losing my sense of taste?

Not a lot of miles today, but any drive up the coast will be slow. RV’s, log trucks, lots of small coast towns and several bouts of construction meant a slow drive. First stop while still in Eureka was, of course, Starbucks. Second stop was All Star Liquor and I didn’t walk out empty handed. Glengoyne will be a new scotch to try. Hopefully soon.

After a short drive North on Highway 101 we took the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway through the National Redwood Park. Due to their size and age, Redwood trees are very impressive and I wish we had had more time to explore.

Click the photo

Lunch was in Port Orford, a small town of 1,140 hardy souls and home to The Crazy Norwegian. That’s a restaurant not a resident. According to the web it opens at 11:30 and you better be there when it does. At 11:36 we were the second ones in and after 25 minutes people were waiting outside. Great seafood. We both had a cup of clam chowder and split the four-piece fish and chips. Five stars from both of us. Everything they serve is fresh caught.

The rest of the trip up to check in was uneventful. Safe to say we are not happy with a place we have stayed many times. Customer service was so poor that I mentioned to the desk clerk that as the face of the establishment to customers her job was service. I don’t think she saw it my way.

Dinner was very good. Barb had a shrimp Louie and I had Blackened Cajun Style Fried Oysters. Oysters were excellent, however, when I see Blackened and Cajun in the same dish, I expect some heat. None present.

Tomorrow we do not travel, rather we will spend the day in and around Florence, a place we often visited when living in Oregon.

1379.0 miles so far

Monday, August 19, 2019

Day 3 - Carson City, Nevada to Eureka, California

Another decent breakfast at the motel and we were off by 7:35. North on Highway 395 through Reno and then on to Susanville. Morning traffic in Reno isn’t nearly as bad as Las Vegas, but I still don’t like driving with everyone rushing off to work. Susanville was about an hour and a half away, which means we waited that long for Starbucks.

From Susanville out to the coast today’s roads would be new to us. However, we are familiar with road construction and there was plenty of that. Six sections of one-lane road and we were three and three on the day. Meaning we had to wait three times for oncoming traffic to clear and three times we caught the direction we were heading. Barb was a little upset, but I’m happy batting .500 anytime. Although the drive to the coast was very scenic, the construction did tend to put a dent in our enjoyment. Particularly annoying was so many cars all backed up after each one-lane section.

Lunch was in Redding and we split what must have been a near world record size sandwich. Turkey, bacon, cheese, tomato, lettuce, avocado and with bread it was at least four inches. Couldn’t finish it.

It was 91° when we left Redding. The temp dropped slowly as we made our way West toward the coast, finally winding up in the low 70’s. Loved it. Barb not so much.

Being back in the Northwest and on the coast, we intend to spend a lot of time with our old friend seafood and that started tonight at Cafe Waterfront. Highly recommended by the limousine chauffeur who took us there (yes, our motel provides a limousine) it turned out to be excellent. Barb has a shrimp salad she couldn’t finish, while I had a half dozen oysters on the half shell and just about the best fish and chips ever. Everything is same day fresh and it really makes a difference. A limo back and we were done for the day.

Tomorrow we head to two nights in Florence, Oregon, with a visit to the Redwoods on the way.

1128.3 miles so far

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Day 2 - Barstow, California to Carson City, Nevada

Up early and after a decent breakfast at the motel we were on the road at 7:00. First stop was, of course, Starbucks for a skinny mocha to share.

No difficulty with the drive today. West on Highway 58 and then North on 395. That’s it, one turn. Mostly good roads with little traffic. Once past Lone Pine the scenery improved, with the Sierra Nevada’s on our left. Surprisingly there was still snow on the upper reaches of most mountains.

We did stop in Gardnerville for a very nice visit with some new friends. Dinner at Olive Garden and that was the end of a mostly uneventful day.

Tomorrow we will head to Eureka out on the California coast. We are thinking seafood.

753.8 miles so far

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Day 1 - Home to Barstow, California

Up an hour earlier than planned. Coffee, cereal, load the car and we were off at 7:08 AM. Unfortunately, the first 179 miles were on Interstate 10, a road we have traveled much too often and one that has few redeeming qualities. Ok, there is the Starbucks in Blythe, which has always been a must stop.

Another 49 miles and we left the trucks and traffic of the Interstate at Desert Center for a lonely drive North on Highway 177, followed by an even more lonely drive West on Highway 62. There is nothing out there except sagebrush, mountains and roads that are straight for 15 miles.

We decided to stop for lunch in Twentynine Palms. Barb worked her magic, using data of course, and found a 5 Guys. Now splitting a 5 Guys hamburger would be the highlight of the morning drive, so she punched the ‘Take Me There Button’ and off we went. It seemed like where we went was off the grid. Finally, after several turns and miles on roads that hadn’t seen maintenance in years, we were within a quarter mile. Only problem was the 5 Guys was located on the base of the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center. About 100 feet before the gate I made a quick U-turn and made for higher ground. Backtracking we passed a dozen shops advertising Marine Haircuts. The one I liked was Marine Haircuts and Window Tinting. We ended up at Subway for a quick shared sandwich.

Back on Highway 62 for a few miles and then North on Highway 247 for a direct drive into our overnight in Barstow. Arriving too early to check in we spent an hour at the factory stores, without purchases. Dinner was at Oggi’s Sports Bar Brewhouse and Pizza. Highly recommended for anyone stopping over in Barstow.

We had hoped to get out of the heat, but today was a bust and tomorrow doesn’t look any better as we head for an overnight in Carson City. Tomorrow we will finally meet someone we have been in a small email group with for over a year. Good to put a face to a name.

370.2 miles so far