On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Day 24 - Surprise, AZ to Las Vegas, NV

Up too early, as is the case when headed home, and had to wait about an hour to try breakfast at Indigo Grille. Odd that they only serve breakfast on Saturday and Sunday when so far from town. Odd too for a resort restaurant that you stand in line to order and then get your meal delivered to your table. Oh well, when in Rome. Anyway, the breakfast was decent, although Barb would choose differently next time.

Back at the Villa we made sure everything was packed including the Boodles gin I had in the freezer. Good friend Al turned me on to Boodles when we were in Indio and it is a darn good gin. Al also turned me on to Laphroaig scotch. I've been looking to try a scotch that was strong with peat and this is it and as a plus I now have a lifetime lease on a one square foot plot on Laphroaig land on the Isle of Islay.

Our first stop was in Wickenburg for a Starbucks. Took a little longer than it should as we totally missed the Safeway. No excuse, it was right there on the highway.

The drive from there on into Las Vegas is several degrees less that exciting. We managed a stop in Kingman, without incident, to split a Subway sandwich around noon time. I'm glad we hit Las Vegas on a Saturday, because I don't think I could do weekday traffic.

Dinner was fajitas at Frank & Fina's Cocina. Good food and as it turned out we ate there several trips ago, but didn't remember until we were seated. So much for memory.

Tomorrow head to Carson City for the last overnight before home.

Posted from iPad Air 2

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