On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Friday, March 10, 2017

Day One - Get Out Of Cold Weather Trip

Today was a typical Point A to Point B kind of day. Point A was our home in Redmond, Point B was the Embassy Suites in Sacramento, California and it all began at 7:00 AM with breakfast at McDonalds and coffee at Starbucks.

Boring best describes the first half of the day. Ok, there was a lot more snow on the ground South of La Pine and it could have been interesting if it had been on the road. But it wasn't, so no excitement there. Just over the border into California we were warned about blowing dust, elk and deer. Add to that the possibility of cattle on the roadway, due to open range, and we had a chance for good old driving action. None of the above showed up.

A quick lunch at Subway in Weed and we off on Interstate 5 South to our destination. Excitement? Not much, except for the 7,412semi trucks seeking much of the same space I wanted to occupy. We did manage a stop at the Olive Pit in Corning to pick a few, you guessed it, olives. Specifically, martini olives and dried Greek black olives for a couple of our upcoming hosts.

Between Woodland and Sacramento four lanes of traffic slowed for several miles to view a car on it's top way off the highway. Emergency vehicles were long gone, but didn't stop drivers from slowing to get a closer look. Something to talk about at the dinner table I suppose.

After checking in we headed across the street to Old Town Sacramento to wander around before dinner. Interesting place with old buildings, wooden sidewalks, cobble stone streets, old trains and more. Interesting, that is, if you can overlook the hundreds of trinkets waiting for a new home.

Dinner was at Fat City, which is our go to place in Old Town. Then it was back to Embassy Suites in time for a quick drink before happy hour ended.

452 miles and 31.3 MPG

Posted by iPad 2 Air

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