On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Day 18 - Las Vegas, NV to Home

Trying to beat the traffic out of Las Vegas we were up at 5:50 and out the door by 6:20. A quick stop at Einstein's Brothers for a bagels and we were on our way.

We didn't beat the traffic. And there was construction. And people drive really fast. And I just don't like driving those conditions any more. Soon enough we crossed the Colorado River and were once again by in Arizona. Scenic drive? No. Highway 93 into Kingman, Arizona is not particularly scenic.

A Starbucks in Kingman was our first rest stop and included a pair of drinks.

The rest of the drive on Interstate 40 and highways 93 and 60 went without incident. I did not that the town of Nothing hadn't change in the last 18 days. It was over 100 degrees when we got home, so the first item of business was to turn the air conditioning down off 80 degrees.

Turned out to be a nice trip. Got to see some old friends and tall trees.

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