On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Day 2 - Headed Back

Not sure what the weather would be today we slept in till a little after eight. After packing up and checking out we stepped outside to a bright sunny day. Only problem was it was 22 degrees. Having lived in Arizona for the last seven months we just are not familiar with kind of cold in winter anymore.

A short drive later we stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel, where we lingered hoping it would warm up a little. And a little was all we got. The rest of the day was uneventful. The highlight of the drive was on Interstate 17 when Barb spotted the first Saguaro cactus. I usually win this little contest we have, but today she got the better of me.

We should be disappointed about the way the trip turned out or didn't turn out. But the cold weather would have put a damper on the outdoor exploring, so we will try again when it's warmer.

Posted by iPad Air2

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