On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3 - Joseph, OR

Slept in late today and after getting around we headed downtown for breakfast. Small place with maybe five tables and great food. We'll be back tomorrow.

After a fill up at $4.15 per in Enterprise we headed north on highway 3 in the general direction of Washington. Scenic drive through cattle ranches and a slow climb to just over 4,500. About 35 miles out we stopped at Joseph Canyon overlook for a walkabout and a some Nez Perce history. Seems the tribe would stay at the "hole in the wall" when they traveled the canyon.

Further along we took a left turn for a few miles to the town of Flora. Founded in 1897, it reached a population high of 200 in 1910. Although still having a small population, it is now considered a ghost town. What surprised us was the wheat fields. Expected cattle, got wheat.

Returning to Joseph we found ourselves at the Embers Brew Pub. Surprise. After that a little more exploring and back to the motel to find bees had set up residence on our front porch. Management says it will be taken care of. Dinner was at the Terminal Gravity pub in Enterprise. Go there. Have the burger.

Tomorrow will probably take the tram out at Wallowa Lake.

Grave site of Chief Joseph

Flora, Oregon

Posted from my iPad2

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