On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Days 4 and 5 - Joseph, OR to Redmond, OR

Day four started with breakfast (again) at Old Town Cafe. This is one good place to get the day off in the right direction.

We then headed to Wallowa Lake and the tramway up Mt. Howard. Sign on the ticket booth said closed for the day. I was a little ticked. Barb, the cooler head, suggested maybe the sign was from the prior day. Sure enough, a phone call confirmed they would open at ten. Tickets are a little on the spendy side at $24 each for seniors, but we paid up and were soon on our way. Built in 1970, it was at the time the steepest vertical lift gondola in North America. A 150 horsepower electric motor drives a 19,300 foot cable supported by 25 towers up 3,700 feet in just under 15 minutes. Quite a trip.

At the top there are a number of trails offering view in every direction. We took several and the views of the lake and valleys is amazing. Barb opted not to take the trail to Royal Purple. I did. I counted 90 steps to the top, but once there it felt more like 612.

Later we passed on lunch and headed for Imnaha, a small town (actually a small wide spot in the road) east of Joseph. Dinner was back at the Embers Brew Pub.

Day five started early with coffee and a chocolate chip cookie before checking out. More of the $4.15 gas in Enterprise and then off to La Grande, passing through Wallowa, Minam, Elgin and Imbler. Very scenic drive along the Wallowa, Minam and Grande Ronde Rivers.

La Grande got us a quick breakfast and Starbucks. The next rest stop was in Ukiah, Oregon, which is the end of a great drive on highway 244. Heading south on US 395 brought us to Mt. Vernon and a much better price for gas. After that is was off to Redmond and home.

Good trip, great scenery and a few good beers. 1,041 total miles.

Wallowa Lake from Mt. Howard

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 3 - Joseph, OR

Slept in late today and after getting around we headed downtown for breakfast. Small place with maybe five tables and great food. We'll be back tomorrow.

After a fill up at $4.15 per in Enterprise we headed north on highway 3 in the general direction of Washington. Scenic drive through cattle ranches and a slow climb to just over 4,500. About 35 miles out we stopped at Joseph Canyon overlook for a walkabout and a some Nez Perce history. Seems the tribe would stay at the "hole in the wall" when they traveled the canyon.

Further along we took a left turn for a few miles to the town of Flora. Founded in 1897, it reached a population high of 200 in 1910. Although still having a small population, it is now considered a ghost town. What surprised us was the wheat fields. Expected cattle, got wheat.

Returning to Joseph we found ourselves at the Embers Brew Pub. Surprise. After that a little more exploring and back to the motel to find bees had set up residence on our front porch. Management says it will be taken care of. Dinner was at the Terminal Gravity pub in Enterprise. Go there. Have the burger.

Tomorrow will probably take the tram out at Wallowa Lake.

Grave site of Chief Joseph

Flora, Oregon

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 2 - Baker City, OR to Joseph, OR

Up at 6:00 and in the car by 6:45. First stop was McDonalds for a breakfast sandwich, then Starbucks at Safeway and finally a half tank of $3.93 gas.

With coffee in hand we headed east on highway 86 toward the Snake River. What beautiful country. Mostly ranches, with lots of cattle and hay. Not much in the way of towns out there. Richland appeared after 42 miles, followed by Halfway 13 miles later. We took a few minutes to drive around halfway, population 285, and agreed it was one of the nicest little towns we had seen in a long time. No, we don't want to move.

Expecting something to see at the Snake River, we were disappointed. As advertised there was a river, which we drove across just to touch base with Idaho. Oxbow Dam proved to be a non-starter. Putting our disappointment aside we backtracked eight miles to National Forest Development Road 39 and headed northwest to Joseph.

NFD 39 has two digits and thus is paved. However paved does not mean a quick drive. The first 48 miles took nearly two hours. Yes, it is a winding road. Yes, there are some pretty serious drop offs. Yes, the potholes world class. But, there is the scenery. The drive is through the Hell's Canyon National Recreation Park, with Hell's Canyon being the canyon carved by the Snake River. At 7,993 feet, it is the deepest river gorge in North America. It's a slow drive, but well worth the time.

Once in Joseph we headed for the Embers Brew House to split a sandwich and sample a couple of their finest. Then a walk around town, ending with a visit to the Valley Bronze showroom. For some reason the area around Joseph holds a number of foundries, which cast bronze for many well known artists. We first heard about this when visiting galleries in Santa Fe and we'll try to take a tour of Valley Bronze's foundry before returning home. I need to learn more about the lost wax process.

We passed on dinner tonight, settling for a little smoked salmon, cheese and adult beverage. Still working on plans for tomorrow. 183 miles today.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 1 - Redmond, OR to Baker City, OR

Out the door and off to Prineville, Oregon at 5:50 am. The plan was to split an omelet at Dad's, hit Starbucks and head for out first stop in Sumpter, Oregon. So much for plans. Dad's operates on a schedule that's...well not really a schedule. They open pretty much when they want and today they didn't want. The Apple Peddler filled in for Dad's, Starbucks didn't fail us and highway 26 in the early morning is a great drive.

Four plus hours down the road we drove through downtown Sumpter. Took about three minutes. A U-turn took us back to the sole surviving dredge that worked the Sumpter Valley in the early 1900's. Shipped in pieces and assembled on site, the dredge is open to view at no charge. We were ready to shell five bucks apiece, but instead put it aside for a beer later on.

Devouring bucket loads of dirt and rock these machines worked the Sumpter Valley between 1912 and 1954, producing millions of dollars in gold. Well worth a visit in you are in the area. Or anywhere near the area.

Then it was off to Baker City and our first overnight. AAA in Bend set us up at the Geiser Grand Hotel on Main Street. If you are in Baker City stay at the Geiser Grand. Opened in 1889 and undergoing an award winning restoration, it is old world charm at a reasonable price. Highly recommended.

Unable to check into our hotel tell 4:00, we headed up to Anthony Lake. Ten plus miles uphill and back took enough time off the clock that we could check in and get ready for dinner. Barley Brown's has a couple of great dark beers and a large selection of entrees.

Tomorrow we are off to Joseph, Oregon for three nights. 303 miles today.

Gold Dredge - Sumpter, Oregon

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Days 24 and 25 - North Platt, NE to Redmond, OR

Not much to say about the next two days, except we turned three into two.

The drive across Nebraska was all that could be expected. Lots of wide open spaces, followed be more wide open spaces and then more...well you get the picture. Sidney offered the original Cabelas and while it's a great store the one in Kansas City is a step above. Of course there were a few purchases. It's unavoidable.

Overnight was in Green River, Wyoming. We have stayed here many times and many times we have looked for a dinner spot. This stay was no exception.

After an early start the next morning, without Starbucks, it occurred to us that would be once again back in the Pacific Time Zone. Is this important? Yes. After deciding we could last eleven to twelve hours we headed home rather than spend a night in Winnemucca, Nevada. As it turned out twelve was a good guess. Anyway, taking the shortest route we headed to Boise and then back across central Oregon. A dinner stop in Burns and before we knew it we were home.

Pretty nice trip. Spent time with some very good friends (thanks Frank and Mike for the hospitality), met with friends in Iowa for dinner (thank you Neal and Phyllis), backtracked to Kansas City from North Dakota to pick up some sound equipment and just plain had a great time. 792 miles today.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Days 19, 29, 21, 22 and 23 - Olathe, KS and North Platte, NE

Looking at a short drive, we left a little late and took our time heading to Olathe. Saturday made for an easy drive through Kansas City and we were at Mike and Julie's by early afternoon. Dinner that night was an Italian buffet. The only place I've seen more selection and variety of food is on a cruise ship.

Sunday started with sitting on the front porch drinking coffee. After dinner the night before, breakfast was out of the question. Mike and I were then off to remove five states worth of bugs from the Honda, which was made easy by the $19 credit left in the spray booth. Starbucks for both of us.

Also on Sunday Julie took Barb to the emergency care for a little problem with her left foot. Last fall when we were here she was at the same emergency care with her right foot. Must have something to do with Kansas.

At this point I need to say a little something about the weather. Two words - hot and humid. Walking out from the air-conditioned house or any building is like walking into a wall. A wall of heat. The saving grace is the breeze, which if you sit very still will help a little.

I should say something about Monday, but nothing comes to mind, except sitting on the porch in the morning drinking coffee. This is something we need to try at home. Coffee in the evening is nice too, except for mosquitoes.

Now for Tuesday. Coffee on the porch as usual and around 12:00 Mike and I headed for the Nebraska Furniture Mart. We started at Sony and it didn't take long to find the 40 inch flat screen for the bedroom. Meeting up with the Nebraska rep we discovered TV's were not part of the promotion. Sound systems only. Mike and I finally decided on a Polk SurroundBar with sub-woofer and a Sony blue ray DVD player. In the end, it was much easier getting these into the car.

By the time I got back from checking out, Mike had purchased a wireless printer. The evening was devoted to getting the printer hooked up and then setting up his wireless devices to print. Not an easy assignment, but we managed to pull it off.

All good things must come to an end and for us that was Wednesday when we had to head home. Not wanting to leave Mike and Julie we hung out on the porch for several cups of Mike's best. But then we were off headed for North Platte, Nebraska. But before getting too far it was back to Mike's to retrieve my iPhone and iPad. Yup, drove off without them. North Platte is home to the world's largest rail yard, the Bailey Yard, where an average of 139 trains pass through each day. Remember the movie Goodfellas? Henry Hill worked as a cook in North Platte.

Tomorrow night we will be 489 miles closer to home in Green River, Wyoming. I already have a Starbucks lined up for the morning and Cabela's is just 121 miles down the road in Sidney. 437 miles today.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 18 - Mitchell, SD to Council Bluffs, IA

Not having any pressing business we slept in late and were finally on the road about 9:00. Where to go today? With the Curse of Nebraska Furniture weighing heavily upon us we backtracked to Sioux Falls and headed for Falls Park. Good decision. Someday I will remember how to put pictures up, so for now you will just have to take my word for it that this was a good place to visit. The Queen Bee Mill, built of native Sioux Quartzite, processed 1,500 bushels of wheat a day, saving farmers the cost of shipping to Minnesota. Also on site are the Queen Bee Turbine House, Sioux Falls Light and Power and the Millrace. All were also Sioux Quartzite.

With temps hovering near 90, we continued south with a couple bottles of water. However, the lack of a Starbucks continued to bother me until the GPS found one in Sioux City. A three mile drive off the interstate took us to a HyVee, which is just about the best grocery store we have seen in a long time.

The rest of the drive in to Council Bluffs as uneventful, except for Barb trying to decide where we would spend the night. Hilton vs Hampton. Hampton vs. Hilton. Hilton won and we were upgraded to a suite, which I think is compensation for The Curse. Attached to the Hilton is Harrah's Horseshoe Casino, so after dinner I picked a slot, slipped in $20.00 and cashed out for $21.55. Such is the nature of The Curse.

Tomorrow we head back to Olathe and a few more days with Mike and Julie.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 17 - Fargo, ND to Mitchell, SD

With the Curse of Nebraska Furniture hanging over our heads we slept in late, finally had breakfast about 9:30 and were on the road at 10:00. I say curse because this winning thing has thoroughly upset our plans on how to get home. First, we have to return to Kansas City to collect and that's in the wrong direction. Second, the guy I have to see isn't available till next Tuesday and that's six days away. In six days we were to be home. Oh well, got to be flexible.

Called Mike yesterday and he said ok to spend a few more days with them back in Olathe. What a great friend. But not wanting to impose too much we started looking for a slow boat back to Kansas. Finally decided on Mitchell, South Dakota for Thursday night. So it was back down interstate 29 to Sioux Falls and then west on interstate 90. We would usually opt for back roads, but Barb wanted to do some laundry and there is a Cabela's to visit a block from the motel.

A couple of things about the Dakotas. Billboards are popular. Very popular. Lady Bird Johnson would not approve. In South Dakota highway fatalities are marked by small diamond signs saying either "Think" or "Why Die". Between Sioux Falls and the North Dakota border, about 170 miles, I counted 47 signs in the northbound lanes. There were two groups of four signs and a number of doubles. I may have missed a few, but the ones I saw work out to one fatality every 3.6 miles.

Laundry is now in the dryer and I need to figure out where to go tomorrow.

To be continued...

Dinner was a C at best. Should have gone back to the steak place we went last year. Oh well. Cabela's on the other hand was very good. Made a small purchase and headed back to the motel. As it stands now we will be heading to Omaha tomorrow. Looks like a short drive so we will probably take some back roads. 347 miles today.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 16 - Humboldt, IA to Fargo, ND

Wednesday started a half hour before the alarm and we were headed north on highway 169 by 7:05. A short stop for breakfast in Algona and then generally west through the back roads of Iowa. Small towns announced themselves with a water tower and grain elevator. Rain has soaked the fields, giving hard working farmers yet another obstacle to overcome. Corn that should be knee high is half that height or less.

A 15 mile detour at Hartley took us south to Sutherland for a quick drive around the town where my grandmother was born and raised. With a population of 649 hardy souls it's a typical small town complete with water tower, grain elevator, cemetery and one block long business district. Old homes on tree shaded streets, a small park and volunteer fire department make in one of hundreds.

Leaving the back roads for the interstate we headed north on 29, stopping to split a sandwich at Panera in Sioux Falls. Back on 29 Barb noticed I had a voice mail. She said it was a guy from the Nebraska Furniture Mart and he wanted me to call him. What? Remember the drawing Mike and I entered a few days ago? Naw, couldn't be. Took the first off ramp and called. Yup, $500 worth of home entertainment system was mine; all I had to do was come down and pick it out. Oh. That does present a little problem. So much for Cabela's in Rapid City and buffalo burger in Jackson Hole. Need to find something to do for the next few days and we are working on that now.

Dinner tonight was Five Guys Burgers and Fries. Thanks Mike. Haven't a clue where we are going tomorrow. 447 miles today.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 13 - Olathe, KS and Days 14/15 Humboldt, IA

Sunday started with a trip to Dunkin Donuts for a half dozen of their finest. Back at the house they were mated with coffee for breakfast. Not exactly a healthy meal, but a darn good one. Mike and Julie's daughter and husband came over in the afternoon and we shared Julie's outstanding lasagna. As the afternoon dragged on it became apparent that we would never get to finish the chicken fried chicken or Jack Stack BBQ. In the evening Mike and I finished up with YouTube and then Barb and I did some packing and started to load the car.

Monday saw a late start out of Olathe to avoid the morning rush hour. Having had so much fun for four days we lingered, but finally were on the road about 9:20. A quick stop for gas and a Starbucks, and we were heading north on interstate 35. Passing into Missouri (our seventh state) we continued north for Iowa. Just across the Iowa border we stopped at the Amish Store for a few purchases. We never can pass this place up.

A quick stop in Des Moines to split a sandwich and it was off to make a 5:00 Happy Hour in Humboldt. We made it. We met up with neighbors Neal and Phyllis from Redmond and then shared an adult beverage with some of his Iowa family. Dinner at the Fort Dodge Country Club turned out to be Steak Oscar for most of us. It was excellent. Thought about writing something up, but decided sleep was more important.

Tuesday started with breakfast at Miller's Landing. No better way to start the day in Humboldt than with great sausage and perfect eggs. A short drive to Fort Dodge got us an update from Wells Fargo and a Starbucks. Then it was off to Thor, a town we had somehow missed on past trips. Thor has seven streets: Ann, Ada, Fox, Martha, Lill, Fry, Dean and Williksen. That's it. Only Fry and Dean are longer that two blocks. You might say Thor is small. Downtown was one block long and had no activity. No cars. No people. I liked it.

Renwick was next and then Livermore. Livermore was the home of my great great grandparents, so it deserved a stop at the County Clerk's office and a more informative conversation at the local grain elevator. For dinner we shared a pizza. With only Budweiser  available I opted for a diet coke.

Tomorrow we are off to Fargo, North Dakota. I know what you are thinking and there is no explanation, so don't ask. 126 miles today.

Some of my Iowa family

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 10 - Dodge City, KS to Olathe, KS and beyond

We don't usually sleep in when traveling, but today was an exception. Probably an acculation of staying up late and getting up early over the last week. Based on past experience with the continential breakfast at this chain we walked to a nearby IHOP. Sitting at a window booth, I counted 54 ladybugs clinging to the outside glass. And not just our window either, but every window in the place. The waitress said she hadn't seen anything like this before.

After checking out we headed to Dodge City Boot Hill, with no real intent on visiting. We were greeted by a typical gift shop selling everything "Boot Hill" and $9 senior admission. We almost left. Lucky for us we didn't, as it turned out to be worth every penny of the price. With something like 25,000 artifacts from years gone by, it provided an interesting and informative look into the past. Don't miss this one when in Dodge City.

Thursday was an easy drive into Olathe, with a stop in Wichita to share a sandwich. Nearing Olathe limestone and pumpjacks began showing up and our regular room was waiting for us at Mike and Julie's. Dinner the first night was at Five Guys, something we don't have at home. Great burgers and fries. After dinner it was off to Bass Pro Shops, yet another establishment not available at home. One item I was looking for (I can't tell you what) had been sold two days prior. On the way home we managed a stop at DQ for $1 mini cones.

Friday started with the Honda in for a car wash. After the removal of six states worth of bugs she was ready for the road once again. Lunch was at Strouds for chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, the best green beans I've ever had and cinnamon rolls. We managed to eat half, with the rest boxed up for Sunday. After lunch a short drive to Missouri and then naps for all that afternoon. No need for dinner that night.

Saturday the girls hit the mall for a little shopping, while Mike and I headed for Cabelas. Once again the item I wanted had just been sold. No joy. Did manage one purchase and then next door to the Nebraska Furniture Mart. What a place. Anything and everything for the home. Mike and I entered the drawing for a $2,500 sound system and I will be expecting their call tomorrow notifying me to place my order. Once again Barb managed a half day of shopping without making a purchase. Dinner was at Jack Stack, which is just about the best BBQ you can find. Burnt ends, brisket, best baked beens ever, slaw and cheesy corn. Go there if you get to Kansas City. Mike and I were up till midnight with iPads exploring YouTube. We do know how to have fun.

Tomorrow we will be getting ready to head out for Iowa on Monday. Looking forward to Happy Hour with Neal and Phyllis in Humboldt.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 7, 8 and 9 - Santa Fe, NM and Dodge City, KS

This post will have to cover several days as I've been having too much fun.

Days seven and eight both started with a great free breakfast at the Inn of the Governors. With shops not opening till 10:00 we spent the first hour window shopping. Once opened they were all fair game for our closer inspection. Between pottery, jewelry, bronze castings, paintings and other indian art, one could spend a week taking everything in. I especially enjoy the pottery from Santa Clara and San Ildefonso, along with old indian pawn jewelry. Barb enjoys everything and buys nothing. How am I so lucky?

The afternoon of day 8 took us to the St. Francis Cathedral and Loretto Chapel. With the mystery circular staircase the chapel is the most interesting. Ascending to the choir loft, the staircase completes two 360 degree turns without central support or any fastenings. The story is that one day a carpenter appeared, built the staircase and then left. Well worth seeing when in Santa Fe.

Lunch each day was back at the hotel, where a $15 daily credit covered the bill. Ok, with beers it almost covered the bill. Afternoons were in the mid 90's, so a little time in the air conditioned room helped us get ready for an afternoon stroll.

Dinner on day 7 was at La Cafe Sena. The interior courtyard made for a very enjoyable dining experience and the food, as expected, was very good. Dinner the next night was the old reliable Blue Corn Cafe. Due to the mid 90 temps, we opted for the second floor outdoor patio. With a table overlooking the street we had a great view and nice breeze. And again good food.

Even though we have been to Santa Fe many times, it was a great visit and we will be back again.

Day 9 was a drive from Santa Fe to Dodge City. The day started as usual with breakfast at the hotel with Frank and then we were off about 7:30. Although the drive up interstate 25 is usually a nice start to any trip, today's was marred by heavy smoke from nearby fires.

A quick stop in Las Vegas (not Nevada) for gas and then off to Springer. It was in Springer that I put my short cut reputation on the line by turning east on highway 56. While Barb fretted I saved 32 miles and 37 minutes. The next 326 miles had a variety of scenery and no rest stops. Dry brown fields, cattle, corn, antelope, hay, rivers without water, broken windmills, wheat and circle irrigation were the order of the day. Towns were small and looked old. They were. Boise City, OK and Meade, KS had a little history to them.

Boise City is not only the hometown of actress Vera Miles (Psycho, The Searchers, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance), but also the only city in the continental United States to be bombed during World War II. Seems that a B-17 crew got a little disoriented during a practice bomb run and mistook the lights of the city for the target. No one was injured by the practice bombs. Meade was the hideout of the bank and train robbing Dalton gang, who were active in the 1890's. The home is still available for viewing at 592 S. Pearlette Street, should you be in the area.

98 degrees when we arrived in Dodge City. After checking into our hotel we had a little dinner and now I'm here at the keyboard. Tomorrow we are off to Olathe, KS for a visit with friends Mike and Julie. 466 miles today.

Loretto Chapel Staircase

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 6 - South Fork, CO to Santa Fe, NM

Up about 6:30, finished packing the car and headed for breakfast at the Feeling Good Coffee House and Cafe. Once that was done we were eastbound on highway 160 for Alamosa. Traveling through the San Luis Valley we passed Del Norte and Buena Vista before arriving in Alamosa, A quick stop at Safeway for gas and Starbucks and then south on highway 285.

Originally we were to take this all the way into Santa Fe, but a last minute decision took us east on highway 64 to the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. The bridge is almost 1,300 feet long and at 660 feet high is the tenth highest bridge in the US. We walked out almost to the center and it is one long was down.

South on highways 522 and 518 took us to Taos and Santa Fe. Outside Taos the drive along the Rio Grand was both scenic and apparently dangerous. Seven roadside crosses in a five mile stretch suggested I should keep me eyes on the road.

Arriving in the early afternoon we checked into our hotel and then walked the streets near and around the Plaza, planning our shopping for the next day. Along the way we managed a few Dos Equis to counter the near 90 degree temps. Dinner at the Coyote Cafe turned out to be excellent. The $15 per day credit at the hotel restaurant was put to good use for a nightcap.

All in all a great day. Tomorrow more Santa Fe. 212 miles today.

Rio Grande Gorge

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 5 - South Fork, CO

Started the morning with a cup of coffee and a book. Ok, it wasn't a book. It was an iPad with a book. Currently on page 1198 of 3779, so I have a ways to go.

Went out for breakfast at a little place in town. Hostess needs a lesson or two in customer service and she might check Amazon for a sense of humor. But, the breakfast sandwiches, coffee and rest of the staff were good so it gets a B+.

Back in the car we headed up highway 149 to Creede. This is the Silver Thread Highway and for 24 miles we followed along side and over the Rio Grande River. Sceney was great; mostly ranches, cattle and expensive looking homes.

Creede is a neat place to visit. A old mining town with about 400 hardy souls living a 9,000 feet. After a little shopping at San Juan Sports and two fly shops we headed for lunch at Kip's. Sitting outside we were joined by a friend of Frank's and her sister. It turns out that the sister lives about 120 miles from us in Oregon. Great lunch of tacos and a couple of 2X and it was back to one last stop at San Juan Sports to pick up a shirt for me.

Back at Frank's I started writing this while Barb did some laundry for the next week or so of the trip. Then it was off to dinner with Royce, Elizabeth and a dozen or so friends. Had a good time, which is the reason this is late. Back at the house Frank and I talked for a while, which is another reason this is late.

Tomorrow we are off to Santa Fe for three nights (Barbara and Jim we wish you were joining us). Frank will be with us, so it should be a good time.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 4 - South Fork, CO

Up at 6:00 and downstairs to work on the blog for yesterday. I hate getting behind.

The morning was spent working with Frank on several little projects around the house. Once that was done we headed into town for lunch. I've never had a grilled cheese sandwich with avocado and tomato, so gave it a try. Very good. After lunch Barb's mind turned to shopping.

Last fall when we were here there was something she liked at a little store in Del Notre. She decided not to get it and has regretted that ever since. So we headed there and sure enough it was still available. Purchase number one. Then it was off to Home Reflections in South Fork. No trip here is complete without a visit to this establishment. After much looking she finally settled on a small vase. When she went to pay for it she was told it was free. What! Free! Seems there is a small imperfection, so it's free. Well, in that case better buy some artificial flowers to put in it. Purchase number two.

Enough shopping. Back to Frank's where he started working on dinner for us and a few friends, Barb headed off for a nap and I'm trying to get a head start on the blog.

To be continued...

Ok, I'm back. Late afternoon and evening were fun. A couple we met last Fall, Royce and Elizabeth, come over for dinner, along with a new friend Jack. Great Happy Hour out on the patio overlooking the Rio Grande and Frank put together a good meal. Fun evening.

Tomorrow we make a few plans for three nights in Santa Fe and then head up to Creede for a little shopping.

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Day 3 - Grand Junction, CO to South Fork, CO

Not waiting for the alarm we were up at 5:00, out the door at 6:00 and on the road by 6:30.

Starbucks was 62 miles down the road in Montrose. With drinks in hand we started down highway 550, also known as the Million Dollar Highway. Where did that name come from? Some say it cost a million dollars a mile to build. Others will tell you there is over a million dollars worth of gold in the fill dirt. Whatever the name it is one very scenic, and at times, very scary highway.

First stop was the town of Ouray. Incorporated in 1876, it was populated by miners chasing the dream of gold and silver in the San Juan Mountains. And these are real mountains, with many reaching up over 14,000 feet. After a short walk around town, we continued south out of Ouray for the scary part of the day. There are drop offs you don't even want to think about. Barb wouldn't look down for miles. The next walkabout was in the old mining town of Silverton. Both of these towns are well worth visiting and we will be back to spend more time.

The scenic part of 550 continues south toward Durango. Along the way were three passes over 10,000 feet and a lot of Kodak moments. For some reason I've lost how to post photos. Another short stop in Durango for a little adult refreshment and then east on highway 160.

First town of any size was Pagosa Springs. If you traveled with us in 2010, you may remember that's where we spent an unscheduled night after a deer took out the Honda. No fond memories there. Wolf Creek Pass took us up to almost 11,000 feet. From there it was a short drive into South Fork for three nights with a long time friend. BBQ dinner on the patio overlooking the Rio Grande River finished the day. 297 miles today.

Sorry about not getting this posted yesterday, I'll try to do better.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 2 - Twin Falls, ID to Grand Junction, CO

Long day. In spite of sleeping through a 5:30 alarm we managed to hit a Starbucks by 7:05, before heading south on I84.

Raisin bran for breakfast? Nope. Scrambled eggs. Probably weren't real eggs, but what the heck. Barb opted for yogurt and a banana.

Southern Idaho is good scenery. Mostly fields of corn and potatoes. Lots of irrigation going on early in the morning. Add sun to all that water in the air and you get a lot of little rainbows. Good way to start a drive.

I84 is 75MPH through Idaho and Utah so the miles went by fast. We've been driving I84 through Salt Lake City since 1996, and this is the first time without construction. What a difference. In some sections there were 6 or 7 lanes. We were doing 70MPH in the diamond lane (65mph speed limit) and I'm being passed on the right. Scary how fast some people were going.

Left the interstate at Spanish Fork to take US6 through Price to I70. Usually this is a shortcut, saving us about an hour. Apparently June is resurfacing month for US6. Lots of paving and one lane sections. Still saved some time, just not a much. If you ever come this way take a drive through Helper. Not only is it a step back in time, but it's where they add "helper" engines to get trains over the mountains.

The drive from Green River to Grand Junction is barren. No trees. Not just by the highway, but anywhere you look. No trees. The phrase "No Services" appears on nearly every exit sign. There is beauty there, you just have to look to find it.

Grand Junction is an oasis and a free night at the Marriott Courtyard is a nice way to end the day. Tomorrow we are off to South Fork, Colorado for a few days with an old friend. 521 miles today.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 1 - Redmond, OR to Twin Falls, ID

Thinking about getting a jump on the motel continental breakfasts to come, I started the day with a bowl of cereal. So am I ready for a single serving box of raisin bran? Tell you later.

First stop was Starbucks (got that Jeff?) for a Mocha and Americano. Properly fueled we headed east on highway 20 toward Idaho. By the way, at 3,365 miles highway 20 is the longest highway in the United States, stretching from Newport, Oregon to Boston, Massachusetts. We have crossed paths with 20 in every one of the states it travels through without knowing, until recently, it's record length.

Central and Eastern Oregon: been there too many times. Barb likes highway 20 through Burns and I prefer highway 26 through John Day. Any question about which way we went? Mostly what you see on 20 is dirt roads going somewhere, sagebrush, cattle and hay. Towns are few and far between. Brothers and Riley both have one inhabited building. Juntura has several. Burns and Hines share a town border and really should count as one. Once near Vale farming took over with fields of corn, wheat, potatoes and onions alternating into Ontario.

Lunch: a couple of weeks ago Barb, knowing we would be passing through Burns, found a deli to pick up a sandwich for lunch later on. That took place two hours later at the Idaho welcome center just over the Snake River. Those two hours turned lunch into a somewhat soggy mess. Goes on the don't do again list.

Those who have followed us in the past know that once in a while I do something dumb, but it usually doesn't show up on the first day out. Just before lunch I stopped in Ontario for gas. Credit card gone. Quickly remembered using it last night at dinner. Barb called and sure enough it was at the restaurant. They will hold on to it until we get back. Am I that trusting? No. So while trying to manage a soggy sandwich I was on the phone with Visa canceling and getting a new card. Hopefully Barb will not have another reason to shake her head in disbelief at something I've done.

Nice motel in Twin Falls and a good dinner. Tomorrow we are off to Grand Junction, Colorado. 478 miles today.

Posted from my iPad2