On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 14 - Glacier National Park

Today’s drive started at 8:33 heading North on Highway 93 toward Whitefish, Montana, and included stops for an Americano and Mocha at a Starbucks and ice from Albertsons. From Whitefish Highway 2 led East in the direction of West Glacier and the park entrance.

After choosing the slowest of three lines entering the park we found our way to the Apgar Visitor Center, only to discover it packed with visitors (why was I surprised, the sign did say visitor center) and no parking. So, not wanting to hang out with the crowd we headed up the Going To The Sun Highway.

This is a beautiful drive along Lake McDonald in a glacier carved valley. Shortly after passing the Lake McDonald Lodge the road begins to climb and become progressively narrower. Traffic at this point is limited to vehicles under 21 feet (for very good reason.) If you haven’t been on this road, take a look at a map sometime and check out the hairpin turn several miles before the Logan Pass Visitor Center. After the hairpin the road clings to the near vertical side of a very, very steep mountain. I have no idea how this road could have been built, let alone why anyone would want to put it there. I can tell you it is more than a little scary. It is a very long way down and the guardrail, where there is one, just might stop a bicycle.

Returning to the safety of the valley we stopped for lunch near West Glacier and then headed for the dam at Hungry Horse Reservoir. At the dam there is a nice visitor center, which has a lot of information and a number of old photos of the construction.

Since it was still early in the afternoon, we decided an adult beverage was in order and headed to Whitefish. Turned out to be a really cool town. We found what looks like 6 or so square blocks of pubs, restaurants and shops and since we have seen most of what there is to see in Glacier our plan is to spend a good part of tomorrow exploring. And yes, we did find the much needed adult beverage. 170 miles today.

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