On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Day 6 - Around South Fork

A long night without much sleep found us downstairs looking for coffee. Well, I was looking for coffee. Barb was still recovering and wasn’t quite ready to test food or drink.

Late morning four of us, Barb not ready to travel, headed North on highway 149, known as the Silver Thread Highway, to Creede, CO. An old silver mining town, it is the only town in Mineral County. The highway pretty much follows the Rio Grande river after it turns North in South Fork. The town of Creede and the Silver Thread were where the movie The Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp was filmed.

There are four things that interest me there. San Juan Sports, Rio Grande Angler fly shop, Tomkins True Value and Creede Olive Oil Company. San Juan Sports for outdoor clothing and equipment, Rio Grande Angler for fly fishing stuff, Tomkins to explore an old time hardware store and Creede Olive Oil for a salsa I really like. Left town with a new fly box and a bottle of salsa.

Back in South Fork we stopped at the Rainbow Market, which is one of those small town stores that carries everything a small town needs. Food, clothing, household items, hunting and fishing it’s all there.

A short drive into Del Norte took us to Three Barrel Brewing for some really good pizza and beer. Then it was back to the deck at Franks for adult beverage and conversation till dark.

Tomorrow Al and Ann will head home, while we spend another day with Frank.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Day 5 - Santa Fe, NM to South Fork, CO

Breakfast, car packed and on the road by 8:25. A stop to gas up both cars and we were headed North on 285 to Alamosa, CO. Northern New Mexico was a pretty drive and the roads were good without much traffic. Entering Colorado there is a sign that reads “Welcome to Colorful Colorado”. Basically the “Colors” are various shades of tan.

First stop in Alamosa was a liquor store and then Safeway to pick up a few items for the night’s dinner. What luck, Safeway had a Starbucks.

An hour later we arrived at Frank’s home in South Fork. And is it a home. Beautiful big log home, with the Rio Grande river only a few feet away. Frank was very gracious to let us bring Al and Ann along with us from Santa Fe. The afternoon was filled with conversation and adult beverage out on the deck. So relaxing to just sit and watch the river go by.

Three others joined us for dinner and Barb drew BBQ duty doing burgers for all. Great time well into the evening. Unfortunently Barb picked up some sort of bug and was up most of the night, as was I.

Tomorrow we will take a drive up to Creede, CO.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Dat 4 - Around Santa Fe

Slept in a little and then met Al and Ann for breakfast. Then it was a short walk up to Starbucks and four of their best.

A little window shopping around the mall resulted in no purchases, although there were several close calls. We did a wa;k through the Loretta Chapel for a look at the mysterious staircase. Mysterious because no one can figured how it stands up. Later Barb and Ann got haircuts, followed by a little more walking around and shopping.

Dinner was at L’Olivier and it was excellent. And that ended what seemed like very short day. Tomorrow we are off to Colorado.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Day 3 - Around Santa Fe, NM

Up around 6:30 and down for breakfast about 7:30. When in Santa Fe we always stay at the Inn of the Governors, mostly because we can park and walk to the Plaza, shopping and restaurants. Of course it doesn’t hurt that they host sherry and tea in the afternoon, along with a very good free breakfast and a $15 credit everyday at the bar.

Our friends were just getting up so after breakfast we walked up near the Plaza for one of Starbucks’s finest. Shortly thereafter Al and Ann joined us for shopping, which included earrings for Ann and hummingbird soap dish for Barb. Ann and Barb struck out on their own while Al and I hung out at the hotel. After the girls returned we had a very good lunch at L’Oliver. Barb and I split the fish and chips, which were probably the best we have ever had.

On the was back to the hotel we couldn’t pass up the Gruet Winery tasting room. And taste we did. Five sparkling wines later we made our purchases. Back at the hotel it was time to rest up for sherry and tea and then dinner at La Fonda. If you need a good dinner in Santa Fe La Fonda should be high on your list.

Took a little walk after dinner and made notes on places to visit tomorrow. I think Barb has picked out a pair of earrings, but we shall see tomorrow when the shop opens. Tomorrow will be our last day in Santa Fe and then its off to South Fork, Colorado.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Day 2 - Gallup, NM to Santa Fe, NM

Another day we didn’t need to get up early, but we did anyway. Left at 6:28 for a quick breakfast at McDonald’s and then it was off to WalMart to get one of those little cube things that are essential if you want to charge your iPhone of iPad. Finally on Interstate 40 at 7:38 headed East through a very scenic red rock part of New Mexico.

Old Spanish towns like Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Taos have a Plaza, which is a one square block park. One one side of the Plaza was the old Spanish government building. The Plaza and surrounding area have become the towns Old Town, which is home to restaurants, Southwest shops and Indians sitting in front to the government buildings selling some very nice silver jewelry. Since we both like Southwest and Indian art passing up an Old Town is just not done. So it was that our first stop of the day was in Old Town Albuquerque.

After missing a turn or two, but never claiming to be lost, we found a $5 parking spot just off the Plaza. Wandered around for an hour or so , passing up several things we should have bought but didn’t. Stopped for lunch at a place I dont remember the name of and shared a very good burrito.

Headed North on Interstate 25 for about an hour to Santa Fe and the Inn of the Governors. With our room not ready we took a walk to the nearby Wells Fargo to recharge. While heading back to the hotel the dark skies opened up and dropped a massive amount of rain. By the time we got to our room we were both drenched. A quick shower and a couple of room service beers we were feeling a lot better.

Later we met up with AL and Ann for a drink and then it was off to The Shed for a great meal. Highly rated restaurant. By the time we left the wait time was an hour.

Tomorrow we will show our friends Santa Fe, stop for a adult beverage occasionally and have dinner at La Fonda.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Day 1 - Home to Gallup, NM

In no particularly hurry today we were up at our regular 5:30 time. Why can’t we sleep in for once? Coffee out on the patio followed by cold cereal and after loading up the car we were on the road at 7:13. 12.2 miles later we were back at the house picking up my iPhone, wind breakers and two umbrellas.

Now back on the road at 7:34 we took the 303 Loop to Interstate 17 North, stopping an hour later in Anthem, Arizona for a couple of Starbuck’s finest. Holiday traffic, the usual number of trucks and lane closures kept the drive interesting. Once the drive is about 4,000 feet the scenery is much better. Nothing wrong with saguaro cactus mind you, but after 35,000 or so it’s time to move on. Elevation is a key to scenic change In Arizona and at about 4,000 trees start to appear. Real trees. Like Pondorosa Pines and maybe a few Douglas Firs. Almost like heading over Mount Hood back in Oregon.

At Flagstaff we headed East on Interstate 40 to our overnight stay in Gallup. At this point the trees ended and there weren’t even any saguaros. Bummer. There is one odd thing I noticed about this area. It appears that when people get tired of their single wide mobile home they just up and leave it. No kidding, there are dozens of them in various states of decay along the Interstate.

Our plan, and we all know what happens to plans, was to do a little shopping in Gallup before checking to our hotel. First stop was to be Ortega’s, one of our favorite stores in Santa Fe and Scottsdale. Closed for remodel, visit us down the road. We couldn’t find down the road. So it was off to Perry Null Trading. Closed. Most of the Indian trading stores must close for the holiday. We did manage to stop at two places, but escaped with wallet intact.

After checking in I begin to write up the blog while Barb searches the internet for our source of dinner. Ok, Barb found a place that was open on the holiday and as we are walking to the car we notice an Applebee’s next to the hotel. Do we want to drive or walk. Walk won, so we each had a bowl of soup and salad. Very healthy.

Tomorrow we head to Santa Fe to meet Al and Ann for a three night stay, but first we will stop in Albuquerque for a little shopping and lunch.

381 miles today.