On The Road Again

Travel along with us to......wherever

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 20 - San Diego, CA to San Luis Obispo, CA

Another good day. We were up early and onto Interstate 5 by 7:05. With no continental breakfast available we headed over to US 1 to find something in one of the many coastal towns. No luck. All we saw were bicycles and runners. Finally in Oceanside we found a McDonald’s and Starbucks in the same parking lot. Ok, we each had a breakfast sandwich. The runners probably would have frowned on such a diet, but to them I simply say get over it. A latte and mocha later we were back on Interstate 5 headed toward Los Angeles.

Now I thought the freeways would be pretty empty early on Saturday. Wrong. Maybe not weekday busy, but too busy for me. Speed limit 65, I’m doing 70 and getting passed.

Since we had lots of time to get to San Luis Obispo, Barb suggested revisiting the Reagan Library. Good idea. Knowing absolutely nothing about how to get around LA explains why it took me highways 5, 73, 405, 605, 5, 405 and 118 (in that order) to get to Simi Valley.

Once there, it was as good as last year. If you have never been there, it’s well worth a visit. We ate lunch under the 707 that was Air Force One and once again had our photo taken boarding. Arriving at the library store Barb purchased an elephant pin and I picked up a shirt and small flag pin.

Back on the road we took Highway 101 all the way to our overnight. Weather? Rain. Lots of rain. And low flying clouds. Gas? $4.59 in Goleta.

Dinner was clam chowder and fish and chips, both shared. The chowder was easily in our all time top three. Oh, and a couple of Anchor Steam.

Tomorrow we should be in Monterey for two nights. I say should be because we’ve heard some talk of slides on Highway 1, so we will see.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 19 - San Diego, CA

Today was a great day. We left the motel at 8:05 and headed over the bridge to Coronado. Coronado is special for me. My family lived there three different times when my dad was stationed in San Diego and I have to tell you going to high school and living two blocks from the beach is pretty darn nice. After finding the last home I lived in we happened upon a Starbucks for a drink and breakfast sandwich. Took a drive by the Hotel Del Coronado and then headed down the Strand to Imperial Beach and back to San Diego.

Then we took a short drive out Point Loma for a visit to the Cabrillo National Monument, which because of haze did not offer great views. However, the Golden Age card got us in for free. Next up was a drive around Balboa Park and finally back to the motel. Not needing a rest, we walked around Old Town San Diego for a couple of hours. Ok we did need a rest, which was a pair of Dos Equis Amber, chips and salsa.

Back at the motel, which by the way is a Marriott Courtyard and free for the two nights, we took a little rest and then headed out for dinner. Chicken Fajitas and the required Dos Equis filled the bill.

Gas in Coronado was $4.89 for regular.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 16 to 18 - Casa Grande, AZ to San DIego, CA

We spent a few more days in Casa Grande before heading to San Diego this morning. Before leaving we had to suffer through several Happy Hours, but I’m working hard to accept this challenge. Dinners prepared by our hosts were excellent and included a best ever shrimp scampi.

Two days ago I attempted to play pickle with our hostess. Don’t know what pickle ball is? The court is one fourth the size for a tennis court, paddles are smaller than a tennis racket and larger than a ping pong paddle, the ball is a wiffle ball a little larger than a baseball and scoring is similar to tennis. At 7-3 in the second game I charged to net to get a drop shot. Being slightly off balance gravity took over and I crashed the net. Both knees and two fingers scrapped and a nice cut on my forehead. A day later a large bruise appeared on the right side of my chest. Today I noticed my thighs are a little sore. NO MORE PICKLE BALL.

The drive over today was pretty easy. Get on Interstate 8 and stay there. Along the way we passed through Dateland, Arizona, a town neither of us had heard of. Turns out General Patton had two desert training camps there during WW2 and it was also the location of a POW camp for Italians. Lunch was Burgers and Beer in El Centro, gas was $4.39 for regular and San Diego was cold.

After checking in we walked around Old Town San Diego and finished off the day with a Mexican dinner. 355 miles today.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 11 to 15 - Phoenix, AZ to Casa Grande, AZ

Yup, missed a few days.

We spent more time looking around the Phoenix area and have a difference of opinion. Barb likes Sun City Grand and I’m going with Pebble Creek in Goodyear. Went through about two dozen model homes, which means we saw a lot that were nicely decorated with extensive upgrades.

The last day in Phoenix area we took a drive up to Carefree for a little window shopping and lunch near Ho Hum and Easy Streets. That evening we had dinner with longtime friends.

Since the next day was my birthday, 70 to be exact, I refused the box of cereal at the motel and had a real breakfast. Really should do that more often. After a quick stop at Starbucks it was off to visit friends at Palm Creek Golf and RV Resort in Casa Grande. That night was a nice gathering to celebrate two birthdays with a BBQ and cake. Oh, and a little 18 year old Glenfiddich I had been saving for just this occasion.

I like Palm Creek. Happy Hour begins at four. Nuff said about that. This is the land of Snow Birds. They migrate here in huge numbers from places like Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Colorado and other places where a daytime temperature of 30 degrees is the norm. Some arrive in motor homes costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some are more modest. But they all have fun in the sun. This is our second year here and if our friends are here next year we will be back.

Yesterday it was church in the morning and then a drive up to Globe, Arizona for what has to be one of the largest swap meets ever. In the evening it was These Three Tenors, one of the many excellent shows brought in by Palm Creek. Not sure what the next few days will bring. Today is Monday and we will be heading out to San Diego on Thursday. See you later.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 5 to 10 - Tehachapi, CA to Phoenix, AZ

Ok, I have a few days to make up. After leaving Tehachapi we headed for the outlet stores in Barstow, so Barb could pick up some socks. If you have ever been to Barstow you know it’s in the middle of nowhere. So I was a little surprised to see two tour buses dropping of tourists for a little shopping. Why? Are outlet stores in Barstow the best we have for visitors from another country.

Then on to La Quinta and a five night visit with neighbors from home. And I have to say there is no better place to visit. The morning starts with coffee and an oatmeal cookie. Next up is one very good Bloody Mary followed by a fruit plate. Scrambled eggs and toast or an omelet out might be next. Happy hour starts around five. Tough days.

Saturday night we went to the Palm Springs Follies, which is one of the most amazing shows I’ve even seen. Check out www.psfollies.com for the full scoop on this great show. If you are ever in the area don’t miss this one.

We also took a look at some model homes at a Sun City Indio, none of which impressed. After a few purchases at a kitchen store we picked up some dates at Shields Date Garden. Founded in 1924, Shields has every kind of date you can think of and the date shake is much better than it sounds.

Snow at home and 75 degrees in La Quinta. I think we just may be back next year.

Today it was a four hour drive to the Phoenix area. After lunch we spent some time driving around Sun City West, where we might spend some time next winter. More checking on that tomorrow.

So that’s the last few days.

La Quinta Sunset

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 4 Sacramento, CA to Tehachapi, CA

A good start today. Breakfast at Embassy Suites is anything continental. We both had made to order omelets, which sure beats Raisin Bran in a box.

After a quick stop at a bank we did a 45 minute walk around the Arden Way Mall, waiting for Nordstrom to open. Just as promised, Wendy had the replacement jacket ready and after a few calls to accounting figured out how not to charge me sales tax. Excellent service as always.

With a Starbucks in hand we headed South on Interstate 5. This is the third year in a row we have taken the same route and whatever appeal it once had is gone. Except for Anderson Split Pea Soup about two hours out of Sacramento in Santa Nella (not Buellton as I said yesterday.) As always, we stopped for a bowl of their best and a little walkabout.

Yesterday I set a goal to pay less than $4.50 a gallon for gas. It was close, but I did find $4.49.

Once into Bakersfield we headed East on Highway 58 towards Tehachapi. Along the way is the famous Tehachapi Loop, a railroad engineering marvel. Completed in 1876, the track passes over itself to lessen the grade over the mountains. After passing through a tunnel, a train will circle passing over the tunnel and gaining altitude. Any train over 4,000 feet long will pass over itself. Today for the first time we saw a train approaching the loop and a short drive off the freeway took us to a spot where we could watch the train do its thing.

Dinner was Mexican and not all that good. Tomorrow we are off to La Quinta to visit Redmond friends for a few days. 362 miles today.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 3 - Eureka, CA to Sacramento, CA

I’m sure that given some time this trip will start getting a little better.

Siri, that amazing lady who lives in my iPhone, woke us promptly at 6:00 am and once again we managed a continental breakfast and were on the road before daybreak. Thirty minutes later we found a Starbucks in Fortuna.

The first part of the day was South on Highway 101. This took us through the redwood forests and on a warm and sunny day would have been great drive. The trees are huge and a few have been turned into tourist attractions, such as the one you can drive a car through. If you are into roadside attractions, there is a five legged cow just off Interstate 70 in Kansas. Alas, today was cold and rainy with low clouds, so the redwoods were not at their best. We will try again on our way home.

The middle part of the drive was from Calpella to Williams on Highway 20. Boring. But then there was the drive along Clear Lake. One little burg after another and all of them in serious need of a HGTV makeover. Then there was the CHP officer holding up traffic so a large fiberglass swimming pool could take up the whole road. Williams was a quick stop at Subway to split a sandwich and fill up with $4.29 gas.

The last part was a 59 minute drive into Sacramento. Freeway. 70 MPH. More rain.

Since our room wasn’t ready we headed to Old Town and spent a $1.25 worth of parking meter time walking around in the rain. I was still wearing sandals. After nearly missing several puddles I changed to tennis shoes. The socks are still drying out.

Today was one of those splurge days. Embassy Suites kind of splurge days. You know the kind of day with $25 valet parking and $9.95 WiFi. Oh well, the happy hour and really great breakfast takes some of the sting out.

While at Nordstrom the first day out I bought a new casual wear jacket. After deciding on a deep blue Tommy Bahama I told the clerk to hold it and I would be back shortly. Simple. What could I possibly learn from this. How about always check to make sure the clerk didn’t get things mixed up, cause what I now have is black and two sizes too big. Called the local Nordstrom, spoke with one of their super employees named Wendy and will be picking up a replacement from her at 10 pm tomorrow.

Happy hour behind us, we headed over to the Crab Shack in Old Town for dinner. After getting a text that our table was ready we returned to an absolute mad house of noise, singing and a conga line of adults and children. We left and ended up at Fat City, a place I was familiar with in a prior life. For a few bucks more we got the quiet of a funeral parlor, a waiter who looked and acted like a waiter, cloth napkins and very good food.

A quick walk back and here I am. Tomorrow will be exciting. After a quick stop at Nordstrom we will head down Interstate 5 and then East to Tehachapi, stopping only for lunch at Anderson Split Pea Soup in Buellton. My goal for the day will be to pay less than $4.50 for a gallon of gas. 299 miles today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 2 - Portland, OR to Eureka, CA

Too many miles, too many hours. A quick check of the TV weather showed snow everywhere. Snow in Portland and further South in the valley is not unusual, but eight inches at Tillamook on the Oregon coast? What’s that about?

After a quick continental breakfast we were off, not even stopping for a Starbucks. Unheard of. Although it snowed off and on from Portland to Roseburg, about 178 miles, the roads were mostly just wet. The only problem was passing trucks, which sent up rooster tails of spray leaving me in a fog. We did manage a stop in Salem for a pair of Starbuck’s best.

Roseburg turned out to be decision time. After checking ODOT, CalTrans and the Oregon phone line (511), we decided trying Interstate 5 over the Siskiyou Mountains and down through Mount Shasta would be inviting disaster. Instead we headed for Bandon on the Oregon coast. It was only when we began seeing trees lying across the road did we remember the weather reports of 80 MPH winds. Chain saws were busy opening one lane around trees for all us crazy people on the road that morning.

Bandon was a much needed rest and walk about, while the Bandon Fish Market provided a great lunch of clam chowder and beers. The rest of the drive to Eureka was a breeze and the Oregon coast, even on a gray overcast day, was a very nice drive.

After checking into our motel we headed to Marie Callenders to split a sandwich, bowl of French onion soup and a couple of beers. 490 miles today.

Day 1 - Redmond, OR to Portland, OR

Started out early on our drive to the desert for a little time in the sun. After two quick stops for breakfast (McDonalds) and coffee (Starbucks), we headed out as it was just getting light. We opted for the slower route through The Dalles, rather than take on the new snow over Mount Hood. As usual, the drive was uneventful.

A visit with in-laws for conversation and lunch was followed by a trip to the nearby Mall and a small donation at Nordstrom.

Next up was the usual fun filled dinner with Don and Loretta at the Brush Prairie Tavern. Just can’t go to Portland without meeting them for burgers and beer.

The rest of the night was spent trying to figure out just how bad the snow was going to be the next day. Alternative routes were a must for the Honda with summer tires. 235 miles today.